Peter Behrbohm   (de|en) 


Peter Behrbohm is a Berlin based artist, designer, architect and film maker. He explores future conflicts and utopian societies through collaborative, site-specific and context-based research. He designs operational obstacles and fictitious institutions. Many of his works are surgical interventions in public spaces, routines and discourses, often aiming at revealing the constructedness of realities and demonstrating the possibilities of alternative forms of coexistence. Another major focus of his work is the artistic exploration of collective processes.

After studies in architecture, film and art at the University of the Arts Berlin and the Royal Technical Institute Stockholm, Peter received his diploma degree in architecture. The project was granted the «BDA-SARP Award» (2014) for the best German graduation project. For his works he received numerous awards, including the the «Baumgarten» Scholarship (2009,2013), the post graduate «Elsa-Neumann» Scholarship (2015) as well as the «MAK Schindler Scholarship» (2018) given by the Museum of Applied Art / Contemporary Art Vienna. 2019-20 he was invited to Berlin's «Forecast Festival» by Mentor Jerszy Seymour, 2022-23 he was fellow of the Young Academy at Akademie der Künste Berlin.


SONDER is an amoebic company, offering tools to refine conflicts. It was found with Anton Steenbock in 2008
Peter is a co-founder of PARA, an artist group questioning phenomena of globalization and politics of memory in an interdisciplinary, research-based manner and with performative means. In 2020 Peter found the Institute for Sessile Studies in Halle (Saale) that is since publishing the Encyclopædia on specialized Sitting. His label UnitedErrors produces objects and spaces for potential barricades.
With Markus Bühler he undertook a cinematic expedition to the center of the world - along the infrastructure of the intenet meeting its precursors, pioneers and monsters that can be experienced in the audiovisual installation The Technate.
Peter is also co-founder of the design collective UND.STUDIO.

Since 2020 Peter as been holding different teaching position, such as Technical University Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts.

Follow me:

@peter_behrbohm @para_international @flyingholes @unitederrors