Transformator P33

intervention ― Peter Behrbohm ― wood, steel, plastics, electronics, rockets, 270 x 800 x 1300 mm ― different Places all over Germany 2013-19

The P33 transformer is the first representative of an entirely new urban law enforcement strategy that aims to minimise the use of armed forces in the future. It is the human factor that repeatedly leads to wrong decisions and unnecessary casualties. In years to come, decisions on the use of armed machines will be made at a centralised location. Transformers are already being installed on a large scale in the city centre. The prototype is in the pilot stage and is currently being trialled on the streets. Its advantages over the traditional executive can be summarised quickly:

+ inconspicuous stand-by mode in stationary use
+ robust and weatherproof design
+ no armed police officers damaging the city's corporate image
+ risk-free police activity
+ efficient dispersal of unauthorised crowds
+ wide range of weaponry, from tear gas to bonfires

You too can benefit from increased security and a sense of freedom - in the city or at home. The P33 transformer will soon also be available for private use.